My Homework Is in the Mail!
Becky Citra. Illustrations by Karen Harrison.
Grades 2 - 3 / Ages 7 - 8.
Dad said, "This hurricane is our daughter, Samantha. Sam, this is Caleb, our neighbour."
Caleb stood up. He was wearing a big brown hat. His boots had pointy toes. His legs looked like bent pipe cleaners.
Sam had seen pictures of cowboys in books before. But she had never seen a cowboy in her kitchen. She couldn't think of anything to say.
"Caleb's family were some of the first homesteaders in this area," said Mom happily. "He's been telling us some very interesting stories."
My Homework Is in the Mail! is Becky Citra's first book. No doubt her background as a primary school teacher, combined with her hobbies of horseback riding, hiking, and camping, guided her in writing for a young audience.
Leslie Millar is a substitute teacher and volunteer in Winnipeg schools.
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The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364
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