Tunnels of Time

Tunnels of Time
Mary Harelkin Bishop's juvenile time-slip fantasy, Tunnels of Time (www.cmreviews.ca/cm/vol12/no12/tunnelsoftime.html) has been reissued for 2020. Originally published in 2000, this 20th anniversary edition features a bigger format, a brighter, more dynamic cover (the artwork on the cover will remind the reader of Alice falling down the rabbit hole), and new (and more) black and white illustrations and three pages of resources that did not appear in the previous edition. After reading about 13-year-old Andrea Talbot's time-traveling adventures in the 1920s underground tunnels of Moosejaw, Saskatchewan, where she is mistaken for a boy and rescues people she's just met while evading Al Capone and his crew, readers can read a page of historical notes from the author about how, beginning in the late 1990s, she researched that time period and location. Following that supplementary material, there are four questions the author answers about the book (Why did you write Tunnels of Time?, Why did you make the main character, Andrea, a present-day person in the past?, Why did you choose to use time travel in your story?, and What advice do you have for young people who are interested in writing?). And for families or teachers who want to encourage conversation after the story, there are 15 discussion questions for the reader to answer or think about (i.e. which character would you like to meet; what part made you laugh?) With five books in the series, readers can continue to be entertained by the series for a while. Young readers of fast-paced historical fiction will enjoy the introduction to this Canadian series.
Tanya Boudreau is a librarian at the Cold Lake Public Library in Cold Lake, Alberta.