Marshmallow Martians: Earth School

Marshmallow Martians: Earth School
-Did she say there are insects called butts-that-fly?
-Earth bugs are wacky.
Earth School, the second book in the Marshmallow Martians junior graphic novel series, the first being Marshmallow Martians: Show and Smell,
follows the Martians, Squishy, Snug, Woof and Fuzz, once again as they continue on their galactic adventures while their trusty computerized sidekick, G.L.O.W., is on vacation. G.L.O.W. has left them with stacks of books to further their Earth educations, and the group becomes fascinated by depictions of all the different types of bugs found on Earth.
Despite G.L.O.W.’s out of office message, the group pester their computerized mentor for details about these Earth bugs until eventually G.L.O.W. points them in the direction of a school on Earth that is currently being visited by an entomologist (or bug expert). The group travels quickly via P.E.E.P. (Polite Extraordinary Earth Portal) to the school in question. At the school, the Martians are immediately mesmerized by the ins and outs of human children, particularly their lunch boxes which the group initially refers to as “mini suitcases”. Squishy hatches a scheme to look in all the lunch boxes by appointing himself “official lunch keeper” before the group remembers their purpose there and hurry to the entomologist’s talk.
The entomologist shares with the class details of different species of bugs, like spiders, ants, bumblebees and butterflies, all while warning them not to touch the glass cases that hold her impressive bug collection. But, of course, the Martians can’t resist a closer look and accidentally release the hoard from their case. Armed with a map of the school and a human friend, Syd, the group split up to track down all the insects they mistakenly unleashed on the school. Some spiders are found in the instruments in the music room, butterflies by the equipment in the gym and caterpillars in the “volcano” in the science lab. Only the ants remain at large until the school’s lunch break begins and the children find the hungry critters in their lunch boxes. Before the Martians head back home, Syd gifts Squishy his lunch box as a souvenir.
Deanna Kent and Neil Hooson’s collaboration continues with Kent supplying the writing and Hooson the illustrations for the second installment in this junior graphic novel series. As with the first book, Earth School at times relies too heavily on acronyms for the Martians’ companions, acronyms that younger children may not understand. However, overall the sequel maintains the tone of the original with lighthearted, silly dialogue complemented by vibrant, friendly illustrations as the Martians cluelessly explore Earth and its offerings. Hooson again sweetly offers a “How to Draw” page following the story, this time detailing step-by-step instructions on how to draw the character of Squishy.
Tessie Riggs, a librarian living in Toronto, Ontario, never leaves the house without a book.