Feature Stories by Date (1989 January to 1989 November)
The Canadian Encyclopedia Second Edition
- McCulloch, Marilyn
- 1989 January
1987 Notable Canadian fiction
- Taylor, Debbie
- 1989 January
The Young Canadian Book Award: Have You Heard About It?
- Black, Nancy E.
- 1989 March
An Interview with Marie-Louise Gay
- O'Brien, Leacy
- 1989 March
Gay, Marie-Louise: An Interview with Marie-Louise Gay
- O'Brien, Leacy
- 1989 March
An Interview with Adele Fasick
- O'Brien, Leacy
- 1989 May
Fasick, Adele: An Interview with Adele Fasick
- O'Brien, Leacy
- 1989 May
Young Adult Library Survey
- Anne George
- 1989 May
An Interview with Billy Diamond and Roy MacGregor
- Sharon A. McLennan-McCue
- 1989 July
Diamond, Billy: An Interview with Billy Diamond and Roy MacGregor
- Sharon A. McLennan-McCue
- 1989 July
MacGregor, Roy: An Interview with Billy Diamond and Roy MacGregor
- Sharon A. McLennan-McCue
- 1989 July
1988 Notable Canadian Materials
- By several authors
- 1989 July
1988 Notable Canadian Non-Fiction for Children
- Egan, Bessie
- 1989 July
1988 Notable Canadian Fiction
- Voegtlin, Lois and Hinchcliff, Jennifer
- 1989 July
1988 Notable Canadian Picture Books
- Aubrey, Irene E.
- 1989 July
1988 Notable Canadian Young Adult Fiction
- Black, Nancy E.
- 1989 July
Canine Capers, Joan Finnigan and the Dog Who Wouldn't be Left Behind
- By Linda Badowich
- 1989 September
Finnigan, Joan: Canine Capers, Joan Finnigan and the Dog Who Wouldn't be Left Behind
- By Linda Badowich
- 1989 September
McDonald, Bob: Wonderstruck! My introduction to Bob McDonald
- By Elizabeth Morton
- 1989 September
Wonderstruck! My introduction to Bob McDonald
- By Elizabeth Morton
- 1989 September
A Sense of Truth. A Profile of Kevin Major
- Mary Duffy
- 1989 November
Major, Kevin: A Sense of Truth, A Profile of Kevin Major
- Mary Duffy
- 1989 November
Dayal Kaur Khalsa. A Publisher's Tribute
- May Cutler
- 1989 November
1971 to 1985 November1986 January to 1988 November
1990 January to 1990 November 1991 January to 1992 January
1992 March to 1994 November / December