
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

1982 ed. Don Mills (ON), Corpus Information Systems, c1982.
various pagings, cloth, $87.00.
ISBN 0-919217-23-0.

Grades 7 and up.
Reviewed by P. J. Hammel.

Volume 10 Number 4.
1982 November.

The Corpus Almanac continues to provide a vast amount of information about Canada in the two-volume format introduced in 1981. For the first time, however, the name of C.E. (Ted) Clarke appears on the title page with the designation of managing editor.

The managing editor's note (formerly the publisher's note) suggests that in the 1982 edition subjects on which information was readily available in other sources were eliminated and, instead, information that was difficult to locate was included. Specifically, the new edition contains "more than 1400 pages of updated material," particularly, "expanded Library and Association listings, improved Energy and Education sections, a timely new section on the Canadian Constitution, as well as coverage of the Federal and Ontario government reorganizations."

Some eighty-nine pages of library listings in the new edition would seem to suggest a significant increase over the seventy-four pages of the former edition. However, the more expansive spacing between items would obviously explain much of the increase.

The education section has certainly been radically revised; it now provides new and re-organized subsections on: "General Structure of Education in Canada," "Federal Government Influence on Education" (direct and indirect), "Federal Government Agencies" (with interests in education), "Provincial Structure of Education," "National Education Organizations," "Elementary-Secondary Level Schools" (public, separate, preschool, elementary, private, special), "Technical and Vocational Education" (now including community colleges), and "Continuing Education."

Similarly, the energy section is significantly different in the 1982 edition: under the heading, "Oil and Natural Gas," a new subsection entitled "Pricing" has been added; the heading, "Replacing Oil," has been expanded and rearranged to include: "Objectives," "Conversion Assistance," "Transportation," and "Other Fuels." The sections on "Coal," "Uranium and Nuclear Energy," and "Renewable Energy" have been reorganized and expanded. A nlw table, "Conversion Factors," has been introduced to provide ready conversion from metric to imperial measures. The claim that the re-organization of the federal government has been "covered" requires careful consideration. The federal department’s listings, beginning on page 14-29, actually reflect the 1981 situation. A disclaimer, prominently displayed facing page 14-1 do so indicate and adds further that the addenda, "Federal Government Reorganization (1982)," on page 20-12 does include structural changes and key appointments to late February of 1982; any subsequent changes are not included.

While the 1981 edition naturally emphasized the Constitutional debates, the 1982 edition can focus on the completed Canadian Constitution. A retrospective summary of developments is presented, along with "Canada's Political Evolution," a time-line tracing developments from 1864 to 1981. This is followed by an historical and descriptive exposition of the issues that form the basis for the new constitution. Finally, the terms of the Canada Act of 1981 are presented as they were passed by the Canadian and British Governments.

Other features of the new edition need to be noted: Section 10, "Taxation," also contains a disclaimer, clearly displayed, to indicate that neither the full implications of nor any of the subsequent changes to the federal budget of November 12, 1981, were incorporated into this presentation; therefore, "readers should not plan their affairs in 1982 or later years based on this information."

A peculiar discrepancy appears in the numbering sequence of the main sections. In the 1981 edition, the "Federal Government" and "Canadian Constitution" sections, although physically separated, were paged sequentially under the designation 13. In 1982 the "Federal Government" section becomes 14 and the "Canadian Constitution" becomes 15; there is no section numbered 13. Is this a reflection on the superstitious nature of the new managing editor?

Also the Saskatchewan Provincial Election of April, 1982, which resulted in a Progressive Conservative government and numerous changes in senior civil service positions, has rendered almost the entire Province of Saskatchewan section inaccurate. Finally and more positively, the 1982 edition is much more attractive and more easily read because listings are not as crowded as they were previously. The detailed sectional tables of contents and the full index in both volumes continue to be valuable assets in a reference work that provides extensive, useful Canadian information.

P. J. Hammel, College of Education, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK.
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