
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Palmer Patterson.

Toronto, Grolier, c1982.
96pp, cloth, $8.95.
ISBN 0-7172-1819-8.

Grades 6 and up.
Reviewed by Anne Kirkpatrick.

Volume 10 Number 4.
1982 November.

Dr. Patterson teaches history at the University of Waterloo, with Indian history and related topics as his field of special interest. He has also written Inuit Peoples of Canada for the Focus of Canadian History series, all of which appear to be authoritatively written.

In this volume, Dr. Patterson looks at Canadian Indian history through five phases; pre-contact times, first Indian-European contact while Indians were still independent, continued contact with Indians becoming dependent upon European technology, government control, and finally, the current period of rebirth and resurgence.

A section on contemporary issues follows, outlining and discussing briefly many of the problems facing today's Indians (though alcoholism is never mentioned!). Dr. Patterson generally takes an optimistic view of the ways Indians are meeting their challenges. Selected biographies of thirteen notable Indians mentioned in the earlier text, a brief glossary, a bibliography of suggested further reading, and discussion questions for each chapter are also included.

The table of contents and index clearly assist reference. Large type, clear, dark headings, and uncomplicated vocabulary and syntax are well suited to upper elementary students.

Illustrations are all black-and-white, and about half are photographs. Because many of the latter are from archives, the quality is not always good. Generally, pictures suit the text and are interspersed on almost every other page.

Dr. Patterson has organized a mass of detail into very little space and though some oversimplification and insufficient clarification must result, this would provide a very useful elementary school resource.

Anne Kirkpatrick, Mission Hill E. S., Vernon, BC.
line indexes


1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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