Edited by Norah Maier.
Volume 10 Number 4.
With two exceptions, this book consists of a series of subject-oriented articles by the staff of the University of Toronto Schools. Each focuses on the practice of teaching a particular subject to gifted secondary school students. The chapters cover not only mathematics, science, and first and second languages, but also geography, music, and even philosophy. The title is not, I think, a fair indicator of the book's content. There is little in this book that seems applicable to challenging the average. That aside, the book has much to recommend it to teachers of the gifted. It is well written, thoughtful, and innovative. It also provides the reader with a sense of how the University of Toronto Schools operate. The two exceptional chapters refer to thinking and to providing a learning environment for gifted students. The former chapter, written by Edward de Bono, restates some of his well-known ideas on the topic. The latter addresses the basic issue of what and how school systems provide for gifted students and ought to be read widely by educational administrators.
Andrew Pope, Faculty of Education, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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