Jerry Goodman.
Volume 11 Number 2.
Only Canadian Football League insiders or the most ardent of fans will be interested in Huddling Up. A well-researched history of professional football in Canada from the 1950s to the present, it gets bogged down with endless details. At times, it seems as if the author is trying to name every player who ever appeared in the CFL. Goodman could have avoided much of the tedium with a few anecdotes. He does manage, however, to provide good behind-the-scenes coverage of the World Football League, the Montreal Concordes, and the problems of the American import rule. When he describes the shaky foundations and ridiculous policies of the league over the years, one expects some criticism or suggestions for improvement, but Goodman remains embarrassingly silent. The black-and-white photographs are disappointingly few. This book may succeed as a fairly comprehensive history of the Canadian Football League, but it fails as a work of interest to the general public.
John Mitchell, Centennial C. V. I., Guelph, ON. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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