
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Sarah Jackson.

Halifax, Art and Technology Program, Technical University of Nova Scotia, c1982.
Distributed by the Art and Technology Program, Technical University of Nova Scotia, Box 100, Halifax, NS, B3J2X4.
23 sheets in plastic envelope. $20.00.

Reviewed by donalee Moulton-Barrett.

Volume 11 Number 2.
1983 March.

Sarah Jackson's innovative xerography has earned her an international reputation. Her innovative art books will do the same.

Among her recent productions is Particles: Phase One, a unique folio that freely juxtaposes art and poetry. The two can be read in varying combinations or savoured as individual works in and of themselves.

There are twelve xerographic prints (art created with a photocopying machine) in this collection. All of them humorous yet human, poignant and penetrating. The emphasis, in both the poetry and the prints, is on woman and her development and on the many types of relationships that exist between male and female.

Prints like "Apple Eve" and "Woman" make a more definitive, memorable statement than the poetry that reflects the youth and the immaturity of the poets. Melanie Jackson rhymes her poems, and it does not always work. "Divorce?", her strongest entry in the folio, hits a raw nerve: How can you love and hate and hurt all at once?

Susan Flemming's poems are sharper, deeper. They are a fine example of beginning work. She should go far-literally and metaphorically-as a poet.

The real hero of the work is Sarah Jackson, the artist. Her work is as captivating, revealing, thoughtful, and moving as it has ever been. Particles: Phase One needs to be seen to be believed.

donalee Moulton-Barrett, Halifax, NS.
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Young Canada Works