John Diefenbaker.
Volume 11 Number 2.
On first reading, this collection of quotations from John Diefenbaker appears suitable for leisurely perusal. Upon further examination of the book, it becomes obvious that the collection can serve research purposes. Besides being a revelation of the man himself, the quotations are an expression of Diefenbaker's political philosophy, which is also amply outlined in the introduction by John A. Munro. The quotations are grouped under subject headings and arranged in chronological order within the subject. There are 115 headings, arranged alphabetically, from "Agriculture" to "Zionism." The appendix lists the source of each quotation. This reviewer would recommend the book for school libraries building a comprehensive collection on the prime ministers of Canada.
Sister Mechtilde Byblow, Sacred Heart H. S., Yorkton, SK. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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