Volume 11 Number 3.
The ERIBC project research team chaired by Robin H. Ruggles was assigned the task of researching and reporting on the issues and opportunities related to ways in which current technological developments affect distance learning. The Institute seeks to contribute through research to the improvement of educational practices in British Columbia. The book focuses primarily on the British Columbia scene but is applicable to all parts of Canada. The researchers are careful to define their terminology and to report the projects in which various technologies are affecting distance learning. A historical overview, including correspondence schools and the relevant issues for educators are discussed. The new technologies of communication satellites, videodisc, videotex, and microcomputer applications are outlined from the point of view of hardware, costs systems, software, field trials, and their effect on the learning in isolated communities. The task force sought information from a knowledgeable advisory committee composed of members from open learning institutes, correspondence education, colleges, knowledge networks and universities. Given their mandate, the report reflects a serious compilation of the use of technologies in distance learning and the challenges presented by technology in the future. The addition of the references and demographic charts upon which the study was based are valuable assets to the report. The text is interspersed with relevant photographs and diagrams that make it easy reading. Probably most useful to continuing education departments.
Tom Colbens, Calgary Board of Education, Calgary, AB. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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