Christine Laporte.
Volume 11 Number 3.
This book has a problem not uncommon to Canadian books: it lacks an audience. It is written at the grade 7-8 reading level (Fry graph); it features double pages of unrelieved type interspersed with grey (black-and-white if you insist, but they look dull and grey) illustrations. There are in all twenty-three pages of print and nine of the full-page illustrations. The size of the book and its bright cover lead one to consider it a picture book but the interior dispels that notion. The story itself is a complex one concerning a rich merchant's search for his Prince who has escaped to the Northern Isle to avoid his now-dead father's constant wars. Evidently the theme is meant to be "swords into ploughshares," but the long involved story tends to obscure that idea. I noted that the women do nothing useful; indeed, they are treated in the "do not bother your pretty little head" way. I also noticed spelling mistakes and errors of logic in the text: the buildings were "razed" but the walls are still standing; during a storm the merchant watches the moon; he goes "under" the drawbridge in his carriage; a plague is reported to have decimated the population of the town, but the characters in the book are apparently immune. Not recommended.
Margaret Montgomery, West Vemon E. S., Vemon, BC. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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