Federal Cultural Policy Review Committee.
Volume 11 Number 3.
The cover has "Report of the Federal Cultural Policy Review Committee" at the top and the Canada wordmark at the bottom. Nothing else. No illustration. It is a good indicator of the style of the contents that are written in straightforward, flat bureaucratese. No metaphors and only a few lapses into social science jargon, such as the regrettable "cultural industries." It is entirely appropriate to the form of presentation, an assembly of descriptive data fitted into a scanty theoretical framework, delineated in the first three chapters: "Cultural Policies and the Public Will," "Government and Culture," and "Marshalling Resources: The Political Economy of Culture." Succeeding chapters cover heritage, visual and applied arts, performing arts, writing, publishing, and reading, sound recording, film, broadcasting, and international cultural relations-all only in terms of their past, present, and proposed future relations with the federal government. Libraries except for the National Library are hardly mentioned because they are a provincial responsibility and therefore outside the purview of the committee, although issues that are of concern such as copyright and payment for public use receive attention. Education likewise is passed by. The recommendations from each chapter are gathered together at the end, and appendices offer minority comments and historical and biographical notes on the committee and its members. An extensive index completes the work. Recommended reading for anyone interested in the future of the arts in this country.
Adele Ashby, Toronto, ON. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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