
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Pauline Gedge.

Toronto, Macmillan, c1982.
341pp, cloth, $19.95.
ISBN 0-7715-97274.

Grades 10 and up.
Reviewed by Joan McGrath.

Volume 11 Number 3.
1983 May.

Pauline Gedge has proven herself capable of creating entire fictional landscapes alive with fascination based upon historic themes in her Child of the Morning* and The Eagle and the Raven;** now she carries her artistry far beyond such earthly bounds to envision a whole solar system ruled by god-like, immortal Sun Lords. From time beyond remembrance they have ruled their ordered Worlds, but now they are under attack by the only force powerful enough to threaten their golden serenity, their own World Maker.

As the Worlds die, and their Gates to the universe are sealed, the few remaining Sun Lords try to protect their threatened realms, in a richly embroidered story of power and enchantment. This is a tale of epic battles, in which the loser's fate is far worse than mere death. Readers with a taste for fantasy on the grandest of scales will rejoice at the revelation of an important new talent in the demanding field.

*Reviewed vol. VI/1 Winter 1978 p.46.
**Reviewed vol. VIII/3 Summer 1979 p.153.

Joan McGrath, Toronto Board of Education, Toronto, ON.
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