Ken Osborne.
Volume 11 Number 3.
This compact, very readable guide focuses on the teaching of politics as essentially the development of political consciousness through various classroom and school experiences. Young Canadians, who will be the voting and, one hopes, the participating citizens of tomorrow, need something more than the theory of civics and the history of the nation. The teaching of politics becomes a matter of group and individual interaction, of student experience, of the interchange of ideas, of conflicting opinion, and the development of a point of view through study, discussion, and the analysis of different arguments. Both the philosophy and methodology for developing political consciousness are discussed. The significance of classroom climate as a political experience is underlined, as are the teacher skills that develop it. Derived from practical experience in Canadian history classrooms, the concepts and methods here delineated are excellent for junior and senior high. Osborne emphasizes political experience during the school years as a matter of student-to-student, student-to-teacher, and student-to-community encounter. Political maturity develops under the skilful guidance of the teacher. Currently at the University of Manitoba's faculty of education and author of several titles in the field of Canadian studies, Osborne also provides an excellent bibliography for further explorations of the subject together with a brief summary of projects in political education.
A. L. Florence, Winnipeg, MB. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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