Michele Landsberg.
Volume 11 Number 3.
Landsberg's background as a journalist and former articles editor for Chatelaine is evident in the style and content of her book. Readers of The Toronto Star will recognize much of the contents because a large portion of the text comprises articles first published in the author's newspaper column. An outspoken supporter of the feminist movement, Landsberg tackles a wide range of economic and social issues such as equal pay, paid maternity leave, rape, wife battering, modern childbirth methods, child abuse, and the working wife-mother. The introduction probably captures the true position of most Canadian women on feminist causes better than any description written to date. The following chapters, which are similar to popular magazine articles in style and reading level, give interesting and informed insights into the reasons these social problems exist and why they are so difficult to eradicate. However, in discussing some of the more controversial topics such as paid maternity leave and abortion, Landsberg becomes so inflamed with the righteousness of her convictions, that her emotionalism tends to overshadow the well-researched presentation. These chapters read like one side of a debate, and the reader wonders what the opponents of the issue have to say. But by displaying her own bias, Landsberg has succeeded in her purpose, which is to provoke the reader into examining these important issues. Since this book is not intended to be a scholarly discussion, Landsberg has included several personal reminiscences that movingly express her dedication to the concept of family life and the situation of women on a personal as well as a professional level. Secondary school and public librarians should make this book available to readers of both sexes and of all age groups to stimulate an awareness of contemporary feminist concerns.
Olive Bowles, Weston C. I., Weston, ON. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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