Volume 11 Number 4.
Equinox: The Magazine of Canadian Discovery has entered its second year of publication, a sign that it has something to offer to readers to have survived over one year in the shaky world of Canadian magazine publishing. In format, it is rather a cross between the National Geographic magazine and the Canadian Geographical Magazine. It has the quality photography and the glossy appearance (including the glossy advertisements) of the former, with the longer, better informed, more detailed text of the latter. Each issue contains three or four long articles, three shorter regular features ("Nexus: A Review of the Sciences", "Canada Journal", and "Habitat: A Chronicle of Environmental Change"), and the standard magazine features: editorial, letters, table of contents, advertising, and so on. In the January-February 1983 issue, for example, the long articles were concerned with the impact of the James Bay project on the Cree, the ecology of kelp beds, and the Canadian Mount Everest Expedition. "Nexus" included four short (about one page in length) pieces on new scientific advances; "Canada Journal" looked at Ste. Anne de Beaupre and "Habitat" covered four ecological subjects. The articles were well written, well illustrated, informative, and interesting. Equinox concentrates on Canadian subjects or at least subjects that have a Canadian aspect, but world topics are also covered from time to time. Equinox would be a valuable acquisition to any library in Canada, either large or small, and would be of interest to many individuals as well. It is to be hoped that enough institutions and individuals subscribe to make it a viable, long-term magazine. It is not as yet, to my knowledge, indexed in The Canadian Periodical Index, but it is to be hoped that this shortcoming will be remedied soon.
Patricia Thorn, Adam Scott C. V. I., Peterborough, ON. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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