Anthony B. Chan.
Volume 11 Number 4.
Anthony B. Chan, born and raised in Victoria, B.C., received his PhD in history from York University and most recently was professor at the University of Saskatchewan. He is the author of Arming the Chinese, which was recently published by the University of British Columbia Press. Gold Mountain is the first popular account of Chinese Canadian history writ-i ten by a Chinese Canadian. It begins in China with the conditions that led to the emigration of thousands of Chinese who, like so many Europeans, hoped to find a better world, a Gold Mountain, in North America. Like their fellow immigrants from Europe, they found the new world to be less than advertised. Racism and exploitation followed them everywhere, forcing them to form their own communities. Their Chinatowns seethed with their own politics and incubated a Chinese-Canadian culture. Chan's organization of the material is scholarly. Each chapter is profusely footnoted for easy cross-reference. He has included a thirty-nine-item bibliography for further study. The book is illustrated with black-and-white photographs from public archives and from his personal albums. The type is easy to read. Romanization is always a problem in translating Chinese to English. Chan renders some names in pinyin romanization, others in the Cantonese, and still others in other forms, using familiarity as the guideline. Gold Mountain is an important addition to the multiculturalism materials used in high schools and universities and offers insights into the prejudices in present-day multicultural society.
Algis Tribinevicius, Tehkummah, ON. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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