
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Edited by L. D. McCann.

Scarborough (ON), Prentice-Hall, c1982.
500pp., paperbound boards, $24.95
ISBN 0-13-385146-X.

Reviewed by Fred May.

Volume 11 Number 4.
1983 July.

This scholarly work is a new attempt to write a regional geography of Canada. Most previous books, such as the highly-regarded grade 13 text, Canada: A Regional Geography (Gage, 1970), by Tomkins, Hills and Weir, have tended to take a thematic viewpoint of Canada's regions. The nation was subdivided for analysis based on different themes as a focus for organizing each region. McCann has tried a fresh approach by having each contributor assess a region's geographic character using a heartland-hinterland framework. Each of the fourteen experts applied the model to the region he was discussing, so that the ten regional studies are really evaluations of the utility of the core-periphery concept in understanding the unique geography of Canada's major regions.

The contributors are an interesting cross-section of Canadian geographers, including well-known university scholars such as Brenton Barr, Alan Mabin, a representative of the planning profession, and Peter Usher, an Ottawa-based consultant on northern affairs. The text is richly illustrated by high quality half-tone maps and diagrams. All photos are in black and white, unfortunately, since LANDSAT imagery, such as that of the Montreal region on page 2 loses most of its value if not viewed in the original colours. Statistical data is generally based on the 1976 census, although where possible some authors have updated the material to 1979-80. The book is well-indexed, and each chapter closes with a partially annotated list of references in place of one bibliography.

The book deserves consideration if only for its unique approach to the country's regional geography. Every serious library collection of social studies materials should include this volume.

Fred May, North Albion C. I., Etobicoke, ON.
line indexes


1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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