Robert E. Wall.
Volume 11 Number 5.
As Book 5 of The Canadians series, The Inheritors follows the pattern of the earlier volumes-a fast-paced, action-filled story set in a historical period. In the case of The Inheritors, Stephen and Charles Miller, grandsons of Stephen Nowell of Blackrobe, are caught up in the course of Canadian history from 1815 to 1825; Charles in Upper Canada and Stephen in the Red River Valley. The object of their affections is Elizabeth Stoddard, who has also appeared in earlier volumes. The events in the Red River Valley dominate the plot, including a description of a Metis buffalo hunt. The Inheritors follows a fairly predictable path, with the requisite amount of sex and violence to enliven the plot, to its open-ended closing allowing for a sixth volume. Again the historical detail is not allowed to interfere with the action. As the fifth volume of a series and as an example of a genre, The Inheritors, falls victim to being too predictable, almost repetitive. The characters and the plot both seem tired and pallid in comparison to the earlier volumes. Although the volumes of The Canadians are designed so that they can be read as individual novels, this volume has not got enough substance to stand adequately alone. Libraries where the earlier volumes of the series have been popular will want to acquire this new addition to the series; others would do better to try the earlier volumes out on their readers before buying The Inheritors.
Patricia Thorn, Peterborough, ON. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works