Roy H. Graham.
Volume 11 Number 5.
The author, a technical education consultant in British Columbia, has produced a text covering a series of varied mathematical problems frequently encountered in four trade areas: automotive mechanics, electricity/electronics, metalwork (including welding), and woodworking (including construction). Individual study and classroom applications are both provided for. The material includes concepts in arithmetic, algebra, measurement, trigonometry, vectors and graphs, and provides over one thousand problems, which are cross-indexed so that those that are common to more than one trade area may be dealt with concurrently, depending on class make-up and distribution. Each section is prefaced with a brief skills review pertinent to the new materials to be subsequently covered. There is also an extensive skills review section provided and appropriate tables and formulae, together with answers to each problem at the end of the text. Graham has included some calculator exercises but stresses the need for traditional methods to solve most problems in the text, for "practical on-the-job situations" where calculators may not be available. A worthwhile new secondary school intermediate level text.
E.G. Beard, Guelph, ON. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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