Paul St. Pierre.
Volume 11 Number 5.
Here is good news for Paul St. Pierre's many fans. Smith and Other Events is a collection of Cariboo Country stories and a sequel to Breaking Smith's Quarter Horse. Whether or not one has seen some of the stories on the TV series or read St. Pierre before, these stories will appeal. Each clever tale is a complete unit, although all are joined by the unique, proud and independent characters who live in the harsh setting of the British Columbia Cariboo country during the late forties and early fifties. We meet Smith again, that individualistic "master of the understatement"; OF Antoine, a very old Chilcotin Indian who is confused and confusing; December Nilsen, rich retired trapper; Frenchie, who had trouble with his horses and his wife; Phyllisteen, the little Indian girl in a white school; Ken Larsen, who thought he was a Liberal and could run the country, and others equally singular. Known widely in British Columbia for years for his "dry, wry" column in The Vancouver Sun, St. Pierre sustains that same mood throughout his book, which flows easily and makes unforgettable reading.
Gerri Young, Fort Nelson, BC. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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