
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Susan Murgatroyd.
Art by Suzanne Langlois.

Toronto, Annick Press, c1983.
(Polka Dot Door Books).
unpaged, paper, $10.95 (paperbound boards), $4.95 (paper).
ISBN 0-920236-53-7 (paperbound boards), 0-920236-51-0 (paper).

K-Grade 2.
Reviewed by Nancy E. Black.

Volume 11 Number 6.
1983 November.

Although Emily's Paper Route has a glossy, inviting appearance, the storyline is bland and disappointing. Using the format associated with Robert Munsch books, this presentation appears to be a good balance of warm illustrations and text. However, the story of Emily's saving money from her paper route to buy a puppy is simply not exciting enough. This is a "nice little story" of a playful puppy artfully returning all the delivered papers to Emily's door. The moral?: Emily learns to keep her dog on a leash. The text tends to be confusing and stilted with the dialogue of different characters strung together in the same paragraph. The story is a good idea; unfortunately, it lacks the spark and depth needed to make it truly successful. Emily's Paper Route was read to a small audience of children; reactions varied from boredom to enjoyment. Recommended with reservations.

Nancy E. Black, Dartmouth R.L., Dartmouth, NS.
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1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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Young Canada Works