Alice Kane.
Volume 11 Number 6.
Without a doubt, Alice Kane is a superb storyteller. Whether or not you already know of her by reputation, it is remarkable to find that she is not only mistress of the oral tradition, she is equally conversant in the printed word. One need not have an interest in either family history or in folklore to be charmed with her easy-going style; though in fact, if I dare confess it, there are times when I wish there were fewer of the songs and sayings and more of the personal reminiscing. (Maybe next time, please, Alice?) A problem remains, however: who exactly is going to read this? Certain teachers and librarians for sure. Scholars and inveterate researchers, twice blessed with the addition of Edith Fowkes' editorial notes. A steady but select segment of the general populace. But students? Very likely not, unless it is somehow incorporated into a curriculum requirement. If your board maintains a professional collection, then by all means recommend purchase; otherwise, this is apt to be one of those little treasures that will delight your heart but rarely if ever visit the circulation desk. Recommended, regretfully with reservations.
Sue Easun, Toronto, ON. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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