Compiled by Frances Davidson-Arnott.
Volume 12 Number 1
Although library policy statements are not generally considered to be thrilling reading, they are essential to ensure consistent internal operation when a library progresses beyond a one-room operation. Written statements are easily disseminated and usually avoid the ambiguity of traditional, orally-transmitted practices. Not only does the act of writing often sharpen and shape policy but it forces consideration of the consequences. As community colleges spread and developed in Canada, many new procedures and practices were developed off-the-cuff and were copied or adapted from one college to another. The intent of the book is to show how some colleges have dealt with certain problems and situations and to save those faced with policy definition from re-inventing the wheel. After a cross-country solicitation, policies from sixteen institutions were selected. These are arranged in twelve categories of library operation, and each section contains several policies and a brief introductory note. The categories are: audiovisual software, hardware, and production; archives; circulation; clientele; collection development; copyright; inter-library loan; orientation/library instruction; reference; statistics; personnel and professional development; and other facilities and services. Each policy is reprinted in full and usually includes an implementation date and examples where appropriate. No attempt is made to interpret or judge them, this task is left to the reader. Appendices contain the ALA Library Bill of Rights, the CLA Intellectual Freedom Statement, the Ontario college inter-library loan policy questionnaire, a reprint of the CLA inter-library loan form, and an index. Although its price is high, this may be a useful book for those faced with the unenviable task of transmuting vague past practices into clear, concise, operational statements or coping with the definition of new services.
John North, Ryerson P. I., Toronto, ON. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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