Gina Calleja.
Volume 12 Number 1
It seems to be part of human nature to question our existence and express the desire to be other than what we are. This statement is very true*for the main character in this picture book. Tobo is purple. His dad is red, and his mother is blue. Purple seems to be the natural result of such a mixture, but as the title indicates, Tobo hates purple. Very unhappy and dissatisfied with himself, Tobo rejects the friendly advances of the other children at school; he sits alone on the playground and refuses to do his work in the classroom. His best friend Mina comes to his aid. When she hears about his problem, she offers to paint him any colour he would like. Tobo tries green, pink, blue, red, yellow, brown, and orange. All of these look terrible. When Mina has Tobo close his eyes and paints him purple, Tobo realizes that this is really the best colour for him. Children will be able to identify with the feelings that are plaguing Tobo and share in his smile of satisfaction in just being himself. Children are introduced through both the illustrations and the text, to the results of colour mixing. A combination of black-and-white line and softly tinted drawings complement the text. The print is clear and easy to read. Children in grade two should be able to read this book on their own, while younger children would enjoy listening and looking at the pictures. Recommended. Jean E. Mabee, Dieppe E. S., Winnipeg, MB. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works