
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Edited by Hal Bock and Zander Hollander.

3rd ed, Toronto, Doubleday, c1983.
An Associated Feature Book.
466pp, cloth, $29.95.
ISBN 0-385-19185-5.

Grades 5 and up.
Reviewed by G. Jane Crozier.

Volume 12 Number 2
1984 March

In the foreword, John A. Ziegler, Jr., President of the National Hockey League, quotes his predecessor Clarence S. Camp-bell's foreword to the first edition of The Complete Encyclopedia of Hockey.

         This is a truly remarkable combination of accurate
         historical information about the NHL from its inception
         assembled in chronological order; bibliographical data
         about many stars of the game both past and present, as
         well as leading officials; interesting incidents and
         anecdotes about the Stanley Cup; selections of memorable
         moments which produced intense thrills, and the current
         individual and team records of the league.

Campbell's excerpt nearly summarizes both the content and format of this third revised and updated version of The Complete Encyclopedia of Hockey. This edition includes data on the following: Stanley Cup playoffs, all-star games, World Hockey Association, Olympic Games, and collegiate championships.

The Complete Encyclopedia of Hockey is a welcome addition to the senior public school, high school, or public library collection. And it is a must for the private collection of any hockey buff or Trivial Pursuit fan.

G. Jane Crozier, Mississauga P. L., Mississauga, ON.
line indexes


1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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