Erin (ON), Boston Mills Press, c1983.
Volume 12 Number 2
What's a dippy putt-putts? There aren't' many left now, perhaps a hundred or so kept by their proud owners. This is a love story by five men uniquely qualified to share their knowledge and experience with all those who remember the Dispro and with those who want to know the fascinating history of this early boat building industry. The book is a tribute to the old Dispro designers and builders. It is a collection by the authors of detailed notes, old pictures, letters, newspaper ads, and ten carefully researched chapters of histories and reminiscences of why they believe that it was the greatest little motor boat afloat. The authors, of course, are proud owners and members of this exclusive Dispro Club. They joined forces and compiled an extremely well-researched and documented book. One may have to be a dedicated reader, historian, or perhaps owner to fully appreciate its depths; for the lay readers it could present at times a tedious journey through facts, mechanics, design, and history. The many detailed illustrations, photographs and old newspaper ads make it a more pleasurable trip and help to illuminate complex descriptions. For those who are keenly interested, it is a fascinating history on the men responsible for its development. It concludes with chapters of light and enjoyable reading in "Memories of a Dispro Salesman" and "Dippy Anecdotes" and "Apocryphal Tales." Also included with this book is a 45 rpm record. It is recorded sounds from the varied models of engines produced for the Dispro and includes familiar rudder noises for the nostalgic. It is an interesting presentation and proves that the heart-warming putt-putt-putt still remains deeply embedded in the memories of that generation. Recommended for only mature readers with a love for beautiful antique creations. Ches Sulkowski, Annandale H. S., Tillsonburg, ON. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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