Janis Foord.
Vancouver, Pacific Press, n.d.
Volume 12 Number 3
Career Coach is a workbook to help the reader in self-analysis of needs, values, qualities, etc., in defining career goals and in choosing a course of action. The exercises are intended to develop the awareness of attitudes and behaviour that succeed in the job market. This newsprint booklet encourages the reader to look inward and outward at an extensive list of related topics. I particularly liked the emphasis on who you want to be, as well as on the what. There are humorous sketches and exercises sprinkled liberally throughout the printed text making it inviting to the non-verbal person. The layout of the book is quite appealing. However, charts, graphs, pictures, and colour would have made it more so. Although the introduction encourages use of the complete book, the chapters dealing with "Preparing Your Resume" and "Handling The Interview" would serve well alone for specific needs. Because it is a workbook, it could be used in classroom situations as well as by-individual students. However, the filling in of blanks means that it is consumable. Libraries, whether public or school, must decide whether they wish to supply consumable books for their patrons. Roger Lang, White Oaks S. S., Oakville, ON. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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