Suzanne Girard and Kathlene Willing.
Cobalt (ON), Highway Book Shop, c1983.
Volume 12 Number 3
Suzanne Girard and Kathlene Willing have produced a timely and helpful book for the 80s. With the price of microcomputers falling and television advertisements encouraging children to convince their parents to purchase computers, there is a generation gap developing based on the incredible number of computer technology buzz words. This book should nicely begin to bridge it. The Primary Computer Dictionary lists fifty common computer-related words that are relevant to conversations with computer buffs regardless of the type of computer they purchase. The words are accompanied by simple definitions and line drawings to illustrate what the words are referring to. An index is provided at the back of the book with the words listed alphabetically and beside them, a simple definition. No page numbers are offered, but with the book alphabetically arranged, this is not a problem. The major flaw of this book is its title. The words, grammar, diagrams, and suggested activities are not at a primary level. The book is perfect for the teachers and older students in elementary schools but would be inappropriate for younger students. In fact, having shown this book around several elementary schools, I found the teachers the most enthusiastic. Children accept, pick up, and use these words on their own. Adults tend to prefer a written resource. In summary, a good book to include in all elementary school libraries, if not for the students, then as a resource book for teachers. William F. Benson, Golden S. S., Golden, BC. |
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