Ken Haycock and Lynne Isberg Lighthall.
2d ed. New York, H.W. Wilson, c1983.
Volume 12 Number 3
The publication of the second edition of the Canadian Companion is both timely and appropriate; since the first edition in 1978, there have been new editions of Dewey Decimal Classification, 11th Abridged Edition (1979) and Sears List of Subject Headings, 12th Edition (1982). Accordingly, the purpose of this edition is to reflect changes in the current editions of Sears and Dewey and, of course, to revise and update the specifically Canadian headings "to reflect current socioeconomic, political and scientific realities." Many of the entries in this edition of the Canadian Companion do, indeed, reflect changes in Sears, 12th edition: parenthesis have been removed from dates, e.g., ACT OF UNION, 1841; articles have been deleted where they are not particularly significant, e.g., WEST (CANADA); and entries for cities now include the abbreviation for province in parenthesis, e.g., VANCOUVER (B.C.). By far the majority of entries, however, are simply repetitions from Sears, which are included to show acceptable Canadian subdivisions, useful cross references, and classification number changes, e.g., CRIME - CANADA x CANADA - CRIME. Most important to this work are those entries that reflect uniquely Canadian subjects that are not included in Sears and specifically Canadian usages that are not allowed by Sears. In the first case, one can point to such unique entries as ARCTIC SOVEREIGNITY, BUSH PILOTS, MUSKEG. The classic example of the contravention of Sears usage is, of course, HOCKEY instead of ICE HOCKEY; in this edition, the Canadian Companion adds FLOOR HOCKEY. Similar are PRIME MINISTERS -CANADA (with subdivisions copied from PRESIDENTS - UNITED STATES in Sears) and PREMIERS, which may be subdivided geographically by province. In addition, one should note those proper nouns, e.g.,CANADIAN SHIELD, CANADIAN INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, etc., that are allowed by Sears as headings to be added by the cataloguer but whose inclusion here is justified by the establishment of standard format and standard cross references. Rather puzzling are some of the inexplicable deletions from the first edition of the Canadian Companion. The omission of DECORATION AND ORNAMENTATION - CANADA is not particularly significant since it was, and is, provided for by Sears. On the other hand, one should be concerned about the deletion of MAMMALS - CANADA which, although not allowed by Sears, was included in the first edition of Canadian Companion and would still be useful to Canadian libraries. Also, under the key city heading, VANCOUVER (B.C.) the subdivisions are obviously borrowed from CHICAGO (ILL.) in Sears; why then the omission of the subdivisions - CIVIL DEFENSE, - DEMONSTRATIONS, - MORAL CONDITIONS? Are these proofreading errors? The importance of the Canadian Companion must not be denigrated by weaknesses that could be remedied by more careful editing. The current demand for Canadian materials in school libraries must be paralleled by an appropriate system for the indexing of these materials under Canadian subject headings, which are generally satisfactorily provided by the Canadian Companion. Every cataloguer of school library materials must have access to the Canadian Companion to supplement the understandably American bias of Sears List of Subject Headings. P. J. Hammel, College of Education, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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