Dick Smyth.
Toronto, McClelland & Stewart, c1984.
Volume 12 Number 5
Dick Smyth, commentator on CHUM radio and Toronto CITY TV, has put together nearly two hundred of his commentaries in this collection. Although many will disagree with his point of view on many current topics, many will find themselves chuckling or nodding in agreement with many of his diatribes. This collection is topically put together under such headings as "Love and Sex," (self explanatory), or "The Meek Shall Inherit the Snow" (his thoughts on Canada), or "The Second Oldest Profession" (commentaries on politicians). If Smyth follows Menchen's credo that the media is "to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable," he has succeeded over his years on radio and TV to upset many, especially women after his commentary on "Why Can't a Woman be More Like a Man?" From his many editorials, Dick Smyth has gleaned those that are still of interest today including many on events in recent memory. Many include his family, which includes his wife, three daughters, and a cat. The audience for this book will come from his many fans or anyone who enjoys a leisurely and often light-hearted read about many of today's absurdities according to Dick Smyth. Ellen Robson, Winston Churchill C. I., Scarborough, ON. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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