Arthur Godman.
Toronto, Methuen, c1981.
Volume 12 Number 5
Although this book contains mostly definitions, it is not a dictionary in the strictest sense. It is divided into twenty-seven sections such as "Crystals," "Gas Laws," "Atomic Structure," etc. These headings are given in heavy type at the top of each page with subheadings in lighter type. There is no clear distinction between sections. The text runs from "General techniques/Liquids & Solutions" on one page to "General Techniques/ Physical Techniques" on the next. Neither the sections nor the terms within the sections are in alphabetical order; they are grouped topically. If you want to find the meaning of a specific word, you must first locate it in the index where one page reference per term is given. The terms explained are given in heavy type so that they can be found easily on the page. The explanations are brief; about four to seven items are dealt with on each page. Cross-references are given in brackets within the body of the explanatory text as are arrows pointing up or down to additional related material (this is rather distracting to the reader). Each page is liberally illustrated with small but colourful and clear diagrams. Formulae also are given. The six appendices contain material such as "Common Chemical Symbols," "Abbreviations," "Prefixes and Their Meanings." The very extensive index is in three columns. This is an attractive and sturdy paperback (it is even sewn) on good quality paper with a very clear and pleasing layout. The illustrations add greatly to the clarity of the text. Students of chemistry in high school or college, who are beginning the study of this complex field would value this as a handbook. Advanced students of chemistry would need something more detailed. Ingrid vonHausen, Preston H.S., Cambridge, ON. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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