Arthur Godman.
Toronto, Methuen, c1981.
Volume 12 Number 5
Some fifteen hundred basic scientific words are divided into three main groups: physics, chemistry, and biology, with related words from other areas of science also included. For example, the physics portion contains words from meteorology, while chemistry contains words from geology. The entries are arranged within the three main groups according to meaning to help the reader obtain a broad understanding of a particular area of science. It seems that the dictionary has been devised to serve as a study guide as well, being separated into units rather than being alphabetically arranged. However, an index at the back facilitates easy access to the words. The excellent illustrations and neat arrangement of topics provides a visually interesting overview of the various topics in physics, chemistry, and biology. The inclusion of SI units would facilitate easy use in the classroom. Senior high school and university science students would probably require something a little more sophisticated; however, for a quick reference this dictionary would be excellent for general use by students, teachers, and others interested in science. The 12.5 x 18.5cm format provides a true pocket resource book. Richar Mrazek, Alberta Education, Edmonton, AB. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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