R. H. Wright.
Vancouver, Douglas & Mclntyre, c1983.
Volume 12 Number 5
The sense of smell is defined by R. H. Wright as the ability of the brain to receive messages by way of the nose. In this relatively short book, he attempts to explore how the message is picked up and carried from the source to brain and how we can train ourselves to be more aware of this sense and develop it more fully. Although the author tries to present clear definitions of such terms as "anosmia" and "parosmia," children would have some difficulty coping with such scientific nomenclature. The lack of a glossary and an index is a major fault that makes this book's use quite limited. An attempt is made to keep the text light and entertaining, and to some extent, this objective is met. The line drawings that enhance each chapter are appropriate and helpful. The material as presented would be more suited to the needs of upper elementary and junior high students. Recommended with reservation. Jean E. Mabee, Dieppe E. S., Winnipeg, MB. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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