Doug Sadler.
Peterborough (ON), Doug Sadler, c1983.
Volume 12 Number 5
Any birdwatcher living anywhere near the Kawarthas will be overjoyed at the publication of this checklist. It is an invaluable aid. Doug Sadler is a very well-known and respected bird watcher and writer who has been active in the region for many years. It must be emphasized that the book is not a bird guide but a list of birds recorded in the area. The species accounts are for 298 birds found, with the English name, the scientific name, the former name where there has been a change (and there are quite a few), the dates, the status, historical occurrences, details of important sightings, and comments. The species accounts are followed by line charts showing the annual patterns of each bird described. Abundance is shown by the thickness of the line, This feature is a very valuable one and very hard to find elsewhere. Sadler has been able to include some new and interesting historical material. There have been several archaeological digs in the area for the period from 3000 BC to 1690 AD. Bird remains are mostly water birds and passenger pigeons and are not numerous. Archaeologists have no explanation for the scarcity. This is CP. Traill's country and Charles Fothergill's. He visited the area from 1816 to 1840 and kept detailed and accurate notes. Bohemian waxwings were common in his time and so were redheaded woodpeckers and red crossbills. Also included are a description of the area, changes in birdlife, habitats, and what birds are found in them, and good birding spots (some accessible by canoe). There are photographs, an index, and a map on the back cover. The print is easy to read, and the pocket size makes for easy carrying. Highly recommended for all libraries in the vicinity and for personal purchase. Elinor Kelly, Port Hope, ON. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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