Joan Skogan. Illustrated by Claudia Stewart.
Prince Rupert, BC: Metlakatla Band Council, 1983.
Volume 12 Number 5
The Tsimshian legendry, heritage of one of the peoples of British Columbia's majestic northern coast, reflects the all-powerful influence of natural forces over the lives of poor, weak humankind. The people who first told these magical tales lived, as they had no choice but to live, in harmony with nature. They took from the wealth that surrounded them as much as was needed, and no more, and offered thanks for benefits received. The inexorable, grinding power of the twentieth century with its irresistable technology has altered that simple way of life past recovery, but not past remembrance. These collected legends of a people, recounted with the spellbinding simplicity of the oral tradition, combine the unique flavour of the coastal way of life with the universal themes of classic mythology. The tale of "Scannah and the Beautiful Woman" recalls that of Orpheus and his lost Euridice; the title story of "The Princess and the Sea-Bear" is the familiar tragic romance of Cupid and Psyche; "Gamlugyides and the Faithless Wife" has echoes of both Samson and Heracles, and so on. This is an attractive and durable paperback original, which will be a handsome addition to any collection of Indian folk tales and legends.Joan McGrath, Toronto Board of Education, Toronto, ON. |
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