Lucy Booth Martin.
Sutton West (ON), Paget Press, c1983.
Volume 12 Number 5
Lucy Booth Martyn is a former archivist with the Archives of Ontario who has written four previous volumes on the City of Toronto, including The Face of Early Toronto (Paget Press, 1982), which won a City of Toronto Book Award. The Town of York was incorporated on March 6, 1834 and reverted to its original Indian name, Toronto. Its population was just over six thousand people. Martyn returns to the years surrounding incorporation to offer an architectural history of thirty buildings, some of which, like the Campbell Mansion, Osgoode Hall, and Fort York, are still standing. Because her text also includes detail on the builders and occupants, the book is more than a view of some of its early architecture, it is social history as well. Martyn provides an index (but no bibliography), notes on the city's coat of arms, great seal and street names, a discussion of some of the anachronisms and discrepancies she has uncovered over the years, and an historical introduction, which includes anecdotes such as an early regulation that stated that "persons allowing their pigs to run about Town are liable to a fine of 10s." (To little effect apparently. Muddy York may well have been a porcine paradise!)
Each building is briefly described and illustrated with an early drawing, watercolour, or engraving. The overall design is handsome, and the typography, printing, and binding (and the price) make it a collector's item.
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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