Douglas Hill.
St. John's, Breakwater Books, c1982.
Volume 12 Number 6
There is a mystery in Molly's Cove, Newfoundland. An outside force of some kind is causing shipwrecks and deaths. Dan Harris is a long-haired outsider from Ontario, supposedly completing an MA thesis in sociology on the effects on marriage of families fishing together. There is romance, Jean Hammond, from Halifax, and there is the flavour of the locals. Yet, always there is the sense of the intrusion of the author as Dan, the outsider looking on, hoping, trying, thinking, he has been accepted. Except for the latter, this might be a good story. As it is, there is a patronizing air about the book, the Ontarian attempting to fit in with the boys from Newfoundland. Something does not ring true for a reader from Atlantic Canada, but perhaps readers from other provinces would not be as sensitive. Barbara Jaques, Dalhousie R.H.S., Dalhousie, NB. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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