Harris, Catherine.
Toronto. Macmillan, c1984. 273pp, paper, $14.95, ISBN 0-7715-9790-8. CIP
Volume 13 Number 1
For those contemplating running a food catering business out of their own home, reading this publication for its sensible information is a definite requirement. The first section, "Is Catering for You?" sets the stage and brings out excellent points concerning whether one should consider this exciting, challenging and creative career. Section II is perhaps the most valuable chapter as the legal intricacies of the business are explained. Advice on equipping and organizing your kitchen boils down to the practical adage: "Buy the best in heavy duty appliances-it will save you time and headaches." Eight pages are devoted to the pricing of foods. A sample contract covers aspects of the business to help the novice avoid the pitfalls of the trade. Section III, entitled "Now You're Ready" brings out points concerning the caterer/client relationship, hiring good help for both kitchen and serving, and how to decorate and present the food. Most important, the author takes us through the planning and execution of a sample cocktail party step by step. The remaining 144 pages are sample menus and recipes, serving from eight to a hundred people. The recipe index is most useful, in addition to the general index. The voice of experience is quite obvious in this informative guide and the common-sense tips could be applied to many cooking situations other than catering. Highly recommended.
Jackie Black, Westgate C.V.I., Thunder Bay, Ont. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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