
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Edited by Thad Mcllroy. n.p., Arcadia House, c1984. 160pp, paper, ISBN 0-385-19789-6 (bound) $14.95,0-385-19790-X (paper) $9.95. Distributed by Doubleday. CIP

Grades 9 and up
Reviewed by Louise Dick

Volume 13 Number 1
1985 January

This is the second volume in the Canadian Political Cartoon series, (following A Rose Is a Rose: A Tribute to Pierre Elliott Trudeau, by the same editor). As a change from the more familiar anthologies of cartoons by a single Canadian artist, this "nostalgic tribute in cartoons and quotes" is striking evidence of the talent of Canadian political cartoonists from Halifax to Victoria. It is a worthy companion to Peter Desbarats and Terry Mosher's The Hecklers,* but with sharper focus on a single subject.

With quotations by or about Diefenbaker on the page facing each cartoon, Remembering the Chief comments on Diefenbaker's career from his election as Conservative leader. Jack MacLeod's four-page introduction neatly summarizes the career of "the Canadian populist par excellence of recent decades," and George Grant's tribute (from The Globe and Mail) concludes the appreciation. There is a bibliography and an index of cartoonists.

Although today's students would need explanation of topical references, this collection could be valuable for motivation and instruction in classes from grade 9 up and particularly at the senior level. Recommended for purchase for collections of Canadian history and/or the art of cartooning.

Louise Dick, Branksome Hall School, Toronto, Ont.

*Reviewed vol. VIII/2 Spring 1980 p.91.

line indexes


1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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Young Canada Works