Edited by N.M. Stahl. Toronto, McClelland and Stewart, c 1984. 208pp, paper, $12.95, ISBN 0-7710-
Volume 13 Number 2
This "second annual retrospective" includes cartoons published from July 23, 1983 to June 23, 1984. Following the 1983 National Newspaper Award winner (by Dale Cummings of the Winnipeg Free Press), some 200 cartoons are arranged by themes, including "End of the Trudeau Era," "The Economy," "Disarmament," "Environment," and "Social Attitudes." Brief editorial remarks indicate the context for individual cartoons or groups of cartoons. There is a list of past award winners and an index of the thirty-six artists represented, including Aislin, Donate, Macpherson, and Uluschak. As a survey of satire on some of the year's political issues, the present volume could be an interesting companion to retrospective anthologies such as The Hecklers* and J.W. Bengough's A Caricature History of Canadian Politics (Peter Religion Martin c1974). Individual cartoons might be catalysts for classroom discussion of issues (disarmament, acid rain) that remain current.
Louise Dick, Branksome Hall School, Toronto, Ont. *Reviewed vol. Vlll/2 1980 p.91. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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