Kelly, William and Nora Kelly.
Toronto, Doubleday, c1984. 288pp, cloth, $29.95, ISBN 0-385-195 44-3. CIP
Volume 13 Number 2
The Kellys have also written The RCMP, A Century of History (Hurtig, 1973) and Policing in Canada (Gage, 1975). William Kelly is a former Deputy Commissioner and Director of Security & Intelligence for the RCMP. Nora has written other RCMP histories. This collaboration covers RCMP and NWMP history from the beginning to the present, focusing on the horses. The subtitle is somewhat misleading. There are many excellent pictures, both in colour and black and white, but this is not a coffee-table book. There is much written text, complemented by excellent illustrations. As well as detailing the early days of the force, the Kellys explain the breeding program that has developed over the years. Some details regarding training and management are also provided. Finally, there are chapters on the musical ride and on the horses, Burmese and Centennial, donated to her Majesty. Of particular interest to horse people, this could be profitably used by youngsters engaged in school projects. It makes a good gift book and should be seriously considered by most libraries.
Ingrid vonHausen, Preston H.S., Cambridge, Ont. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works