McToots, Rudi.
Toronto, Dreadnaught, c1984. 127pp, paper, $4.95, ISBN 0-919567-26-6. Distributed by Firefly. CIP
Volume 13 Number 2
The Kid's Book of Fun & Games is packed full of great things to do, for children of all ages, though likely those of 8-14 years would best enjoy it. There are 102 various activities and games. Amusing cartoons and easy-to-follow directions make it enjoyable to browse through and to select something from the wide variety of activities, using string, different ways with paper, mind games, board games, music, card games, group games, recycling materials, magic and travel games. An activity such as "Mobius Madness" (p.36) is fun to try, and introduces the mathematical shape of the mobius to children. "Finger Computer" is useful for multiplying numbers between six and ten (and for amazing your friends). "Exquisite Corpses," "Backwords" and "Rip-off" are lots of fun for a group of players. This paperbound book is sturdy and would be a fine addition to the "Games" section of any library, especially at such a reasonable price. Recommended.
Carol Steedman, North Ward P.S., Paris, Ont. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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