Maryann Kovalski.
Volume 13 Number 3
Brenda and Edward are two happy dogs at the beginning of this story, and, after suffering years of separation from each other, they are reunited by the end of the book to become two happy dogs once again. It is unfortunate that the plot hinges on the dogs acting out the traditional stereotyped roles usually reserved for people: Brenda, the homebody, becomes confused and hopelessly lost trying to take his forgotten lunchbox to Edward, the breadwinner. I wish that some event other than Brenda's incompetence in the world outside her home could have triggered their separation. Although this book is Maryann Kovalski's first attempt at writing, her paintings have illustrated other books for children. This simple tale of friendship marred by fate is beautifully illustrated with a colorful picture on each page. Consequently, it is a good choice to read aloud to a class of youngsters. The uncomplicated plot combined with many colorful pictures catch their attention. Also, the many illustrations enable non-readers to review the story individually. They will not wince at the coincidences; they will just smile at the puppy love and the fact that Brenda and Edward eventually live "Happily ever after". Recommended.Patricia Fry, Toronto, ON. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works