
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Sneyd, Lola.

Illustrated by Doug Sneyd. Toronto, Simon & Pierre, c1984. 63pp, paper, $8.95, ISBN 0-88924-140-6.

Grades 3 and up
Reviewed by Fran Newman

Volume 13 Number 3
1985 May

I reviewed Lola's previous book for this company, The Asphalt Octopus*, and I was lukewarm about it. I felt that the poems were, on the whole, quite old-fashioned with many stilted rhyme patterns. I do not feel that way about this book. This time there are many unrhymed poems, most of which are beautiful and strong. There is rich imagery in the poems, "Heritage," "Storm Over Lake Ontario," "Homeward Bound," "In Edward Gardens," "Street Action," "At the Beach," "Summer Shower," and "Apartment Windows". Mind you, she still gives us:

Down in the valley
And climbing up the hill
The Ontario Science Centre
Gives me a thrill

But the rest make up for those few that are too child-like.

This is a book of Toronto settings, and Douglas Sneyd's illustrations continue to please. Buy the book for the wonderful poems; children need the aesthetic nourishment of the language Sneyd has for them. I would recommend, however, that Lola and her editors make sure that her next book reflect only her talent for fresh, complete, and perceptive poetry. That book will be a joy.

Fran Newman, Spring Valley P.S., Brighton, Ont.

*Reviewed vol XI/4 July 1983 p. 170

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