Camden East (Ont.), Camden House, c1984. 151pp. paper, spiral bound, $12.95, ISBN 0-920656-31-5. CIP
Volume 13 Number 3
Pasta for dessert? Candy made from pasta? These intriguing recipes comprise only one chapter in the attractive, spiral-bound cookbook containing over two hundred recipes collected from readers and members of the Harrowsmith staff. A brief introduction traces the global origins of pasta, offers some facts on its nutritional value, and describes the proper eating etiquette (forks only, please). The chapters are arranged according to courses offering recipes for appetizers, soups, salads, casseroles, stovetop dishes, and desserts. The clear type, spacious layout and simplified instructions make the recipes a pleasure to read for the kitchen cook with limited time. Some recipes require more lengthly preparations, but most can be attempted by the novice chef making this a useful book for young cooks. The spiral format allows the book to lie flat while in use. From conventional pasta dishes to the more unusual, there are dishes to appeal to every palate. Chinese fried jao-tze, Polish perogies, and Greek pastitsio represent the variety of international dishes included. Most recipes are in imperial measure, and a thorough index is included. Black-and-white photographs effectively categorize the many varieties of pasta and illustrate each step of the instructions on how to make pasta by hand and machine. Attractive mini sketches are interspaced throughout, and the eight pages of handsome colour photographs are an inspiration to create the delicious dishes. Pasta is a good addition to any cookbook collection.
Olive Bowles, Beverley Heights J.H.S North York, Ont. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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