Agincourt (Ont.), GLC/Silver Burdett Publishers, c1984. 22pp, paper, ISBN 0-88874-113-8(paperbound boards) $5.95,0-88874-163-4 (paper) $3.95. (Canada Rainbow series)
Agincourt (Ont.), GLC/Silver Burdett Publishers, c1984. 22pp, paper, ISBN 0-88874-114-6 (paper-bound boards) $5.95, 0-88874-164-2 (paper $3.95. (Canada Rainbow series)
Agincourt (Ont.), GLC/ Silver Burdett Publishers, c1984. 22pp, paper, ISBN 0-88874-115-4 (paperbound boards) $5.95,0-88874-165-0 (paper) $3.95. (Canada Rainbow series)
Agincourt (Ont.), GLC/Silver Burdett Publishers, c1984. 22pp, paper, ISBN 0-88874-116-2 (paperbound boards) $5.95,0-88874-166-9 (paper) $3.95. (Canada Rainbow series)
Agincourt (Ont.), GLC/Silver Burdett Publishers, c1984. 22pp, paper, ISBN 0-88874-117-0 (paperbound boards) $5.95, 0-88874-167-7 (paper) $3.95. (Canada Rainbow series)
Agincourt (Ont.), GLC/Silver Burdett Publishers, c1984. 22pp, paper, ISBN 0-8874-118-9 (paperbound boards) $5.95, 0-88874-168-5 (paper) $3.95. (Canada Rainbow series)
Agincourt (Ont.), GLC/Silver Burdett Publishers, c1984. 22pp, paper, ISBN 0-88874-119-7 (paperbound boards) $5.95,0-88874-169-3 (paper) $3.95. (Canada Rainbow series)
Agincourt (Ont.), GLC/Silver Burdett Publishers, c1984. 22pp, paper, ISBN 0-88874-120-0 (paperbound boards) $5.95, 0-88874-170-7 (paper) $3.95. (Canada Rainbow series)
Publishers Agincourt (Ont.), GLC/Silver Burdett, c1984. 22pp, paper, ISBN 0-88874-121-9 (paperbound boards) $5.95, 0-88874-171-5 (paper) $3.95. (Canada Rainbow series)
Agincourt (Ont.), GLC/Silver Burdett Publishers, c1984. 22pp, paper, ISBN 0-88874-122-7 (paperbound boards) $5.95, 0-88874-172-3 (paper) $3.95. (Canada Rainbow series)
Agincourt (Ont.), GLC/Silver Burdett Publishers, c1984. 22pp, paper, ISBN 0-8874-123-5 (paper-bound boards) $5.95, 0-88874-173-1 (paper) $3.95. (Canada Rainbow series)
Agincourt (Ont.), GLC/Silver Burdett Publishers, C1984. 22pp, paper, ISBN 0-88874-124-3 (paperbound boards) $5.95, 0-88874-174-X (paper) $3.95. (Canada Rainbow series)
Volume 13 Number 3
Each booklet in this series has about twenty-five pages; ten deal with individual provinces, one with the North, and the last is an overview of Canada. On every page there is a large coloured picture, or map, with brief, clear-type text beneath. A surprising amount of material is thus covered for young students of geography. Vocabulary and syntax have been vetted pretty carefully so that words are not a barrier to understanding. There is a glossary at the end of each book, and the words in it show up in heavier type on the relevant pages. There is also a fact sheet for each province. The whole series is most colourful from front to back. Covers are glossy and wipeable, attractive and appropriate. Junior readers, in the elementary school, may actually enjoy them. They will have a place in the school library for young project sufferers! ESL teachers may find them a mine of well-presented information for their charges. Highly recommended.
John Jepson, Highland J.H.S., North York, Ont. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works