Stubbs, Lewis St. George.
Winnipeg, Queenston House, c1983. 243pp, cloth, ISBN 0-919866-84-0 (cloth) $19,95, 0-919866-85-9 (paper) $9.95 CIP
Volume 13 Number 3
This engaging biography by a namesake grandson brings to life the career and times of one Judge Stubbs, who for several decades was a man to contend with in Manitoba's legal and political world. Born in 1878 in the British West Indies to a Loyalist, slave-owning family and educated in England. Stubbs was strongly influenced by his Boer War experiences. His legal training he acquired in Winnipeg, to begin an active and controversial career. Stubbs's independent mind and anti-authoritarian spirit often landed him in trouble and earned him several enemies. He ran for Parliament as a Liberal in 1921, and, defeated, was appointed to the bench from which he attacked special privileges, and discrepancies between laws for the rich and for the poor. Elected to the Legislature in 1936, he remained until 1949 as an independent and a socialist humanist, a constant thorn in the side of Premier Bracken. A life-long vegetarian, health enthusiast, and teetotaller, Stubbs was conspicuous for his class-consciousness and unorthodox religious views. Removed from the bench due to the enmity of Attorney-General W.J. Major, he found his many admirers lauded him as "an honest man who spoke his mind." Eventually he established a thriving law practice in Birtle, Manitoba, and remained to the age of eighty as a determined champion of individual freedom.
A.L. Florence, Winnipeg, Man. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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