Aitken, Ian, Julie Coleman, and Eileen Laker.
Toronto, Copp Clark Pitman, c1984. various pagings, paper, spiral bound $7.95, ISBN 0-7737-4330-6. CIP
Volume 13 Number 3
Keyboarding skills have changed dramatically with the advent of electronic typewriters, word processors and computers. This is the type of book that business education teachers are looking for. Rough to Ready is a collection of exercises at two levels of difficulty containing a wide variety of handwritten and edited documents: displays, reports, tables, letters, and envelopes. Some contain standard editing symbols, some less formal corrections. Formatting instructions are given at the bottom of each page, and some exercises have formatting instructions written in the document. The exercises are one-half to two pages in length. Most documents are businesses-related, but a few personal documents have been included for students. Letters in Level 2 could have been more disarranged and could have contained a few more proofreader marks and varied instructions. Since "sp2" and "sp3" are the formatting commands used in word processing, they should be used instead of "double space" and "triple space." The text can be used in a variety of ways to develop keyboarding skills at grades 10, 11 and 12 levels, depending upon individual abilities. A class set could be used in the business education department of a secondary school for work at these grade levels. A copy could also be available in the library collection for reference.
Jean Farquharson, Brantford C.I. & V.S., Brantford, Ont. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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